Frequently asked questions

How do I place an order?
You can place an order by emailing us at: Please note that simply sending an email does not constitute a placed order. You must receive an email back from us and your order must be paid at the time it is placed.

How do I pay for my order?
After we confirm your order (typically via email), we will send you the total. For payment we accept Venmo or an emailed invoice that you may pay online (via Square). All orders must be paid at the time order is placed.

Do you take special orders?
We do our best to accommodate what our customers need. We do require 72-hour notice (or more during our busy times and holidays) on most orders. We offer meet-ups in the Northland at a public location.

How do I pick up my order?
We do all our pre-arranged meetups here: 
Q T 
10150 NE Cookingham Dr
Kansas City, MO 64157

Please note this is the QT across from Pleasant Valley Baptist Church. 

Do you offer cakes?
We do not offer specialized cakes. We do, however, offer a variety of cupcakes for your occasion! Please refer to our menu for our options.

Do you offer sugar free items?
We do not offer anything other than sweets free from wheat, gluten, dairy, soy, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, seafood, or sesame.

Do you deliver?
Typically at holiday times or for special events, we offer deliveries in the Northland only. For larger orders (typically 4 dozen or more) we may be able to deliver within the KC-metropolitan area.

When applicable, delivery fees are applied (prices may vary depending on address).

Do you ship?
We do not ship our products due to shelf stability (extreme temperatures, etc).